FormFactor - HPD JDry-500 - Cryogen-free Dilution Refrigerator
Low running costs, less vibration, less noise, reduced maintenance
Large convenient experimental access: Up to 12 line-of-sight ISO100 ports located on perimeter of plates
CMN calibrated thermometry on MC plate
Operation via touch panel controller: Remote operation via ethernet interface
FormFactor’s JDry cryogen-free dilution refrigerators enable easy and cost-effective cooling to temperatures below 10 mK. The JDry models have been optimized for quantum computing applications and can accommodate up to 270 semirigid cables. General-purpose configurations and astronomy/detector cooling are also provided.
The JDry cryogen-free dilution refrigerator series includes multiple standard models. All are available with easy push-button cooling using the robust and fully-automated NI LabVIEW™-based “JACoB” gas-handling system (GHS).
The JDry-500 model is fitted with a cold-plate of 508 mm (20″) diameter, and provides a cooling power of more than 450 µW at 100 mK.
More Product Information
Full-radius, nickel-plated tungsten needles
Power bypass inductance: 16 nH
Supports collinear and non-standard needle configurations
Support up to a maximum of 12 ceramic blades DC needles / contacts
Ideal for probing the entire circuit for functional test
DC probes can provide power or slow logic to circuit under test
Revolutionary technology advancement for wafer and die-level photonics probing
Real-time in-situ calibrations
Highest accuracy in test results
Lowest coupling loss
New innovative combination of hardware and software features to align and optimize fibers/arrays in a wafer-level trench
Minimized coupling losses with minimal trench dimensions
Industry standard for vertical coupling to wafer-level grating couplers
Dark, shielded and frost-free
-40°C to +125°C
Pioneering set of automated functions that perform critical calibrations of the optical positioning system to the probe station
Exclusive FormFactor-developed automated test methodology
FormFactor-developed graphical user interface to manually control the optical positioning system
Configurable between single fibers, fiber arrays and edge coupling holders
Combined eye-pieces and CCD camera mount
3x zoom and quick lens exchange
Engraved guides on mmW platen
Supports broadband, load pull, coax RF and banded waveguide configuration
Rock-solid mechanical design
Submicron stage accuracy
Different substrate carriers for wafers up to 150 mm or single dies
Up to six positioners
Probe positioners placed inside vacuum chamber
Short and stable probe arms
Ergonomic and straightforward design
Intuitive, manual operation
Independent control of linear chuck stage and positioners
Contact/separation stroke for probe platen
Multi-purpose SIGMA instrument integration kit
Shorter cabling and universal chuck connection
Triax probe with protected guard
Triax design for low-leakage measurements up to 3 kV
Special chuck surface coating
High-isolation ready
Arcing protection
Shield Enclosure with interlock
Advanced grounding concept
Up to 12 contacts; any contact can be DC, Power, Logic to 500 MHz,or RF to 20 GHz
Online design configuration tool helps you to specify your probe in minutes
All designs are fully quadrant compatible
Full solution includes probes, calibration substrates, stations, accessories and software
Scalable architecture for future needs
Customizable sample space to fit the user’s application
Long holding time: 100 hours for six (6) STP liter He-3 gas
Stable He-3 pot temperature: Separate sippers for 1K pot and the charcoal sorb cooling line; +/- 0.5 mK at base temperature
Low noise
Multiple operation modes: He-3 cryostat can be operated without pumping the 1K pot (referred to as 4K operation mode)
Wafer temp verified <4.5 K (with 44 RF probes in contact)
Magnetic field suppression to <200 nT
Easy exchange of customizable probe cards
Configurable for 150 mm, 200 mm and 300 mm wafers
Options for fully automated wafer load or manual
Complete software suite for manual, semi-auto, or fully automated probing
25 wafer cassette capacity for fully automated testing
~15 minute cooldown time per wafer
FormFactor, Inc.
FormFactor, Inc. (NASDAQ:FORM) is a leading provider of essential test and measurement technologies along the full IC life cycle – from characterization, modeling, reliability, and design de-bug, to qualification and production test.
We constantly strive to help our customers solve the advanced test and measurement challenges of the broader semiconductor industry. Our focus on customer partnership, innovation, agility and operational excellence allows us to earn sustainable business every day.
Contact Details
FormFactor, Inc. Corporate Headquarters
7005 Southfront Road, Livermore, CA 94551, USA
Phone: 925-290-4000