Test & Measurement
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True wire-speed impairment @ 100Gbps (plus 50 / 40 /25 & 10Gbps)
Ease of use – Chimera is a stand-alone impairment tool that integrates seamlessly with Xena’s Valkyrie traffic generator, letting you speed up your work flow by using the same SW to both generate and impair Ethernet traffic.
Highest port density in the industry – plus you can reserve individual port-pairs without blocking access to the others
Setting up custom impairment distributions is a breeze
Chimera supports a broad range of impairments (latency/jitter, packet & port impairments, flexible distributions, BW shaping etc)
Powerful, easy-to-use automation & scripting options
Automated firewall performance characterization
Automated traffic profile generation from traffic monitoring logs
Application emulation for NGFW performance, SSL decryption, and NAT
Unencrypted and encrypted malware test
Firewall resource utilization monitoring during performance test
Smart comparison and analysis of test reports for various use cases
Easy-to-use web UI with multi-user login support
Easy-to-understand PDF report facilitating decision making
Easy-to-use UI (“2-clicks” to get a stream running)
Wide range of optical & copper test modules for testing all speeds up to 800GE
Thor-400G-7S-1P & Thor-100G5S-1P are the only test modules on the market that can test AN/ LT as well as PAM4-based speeds (50, 100, 200 and 400GE) and NRZ based speeds (10, 25, 40, 50 and 100GE)
Advanced FEC stats for PAM4
Same CLI commands across all port speeds
Industry’s best traffic scheduler
Industry’s only UI integrated Traffic Generation & Impairment solution (Valkyrie & Chimera)
Robust chassis platform (Linux), runs “forever”, supporting +40-day test cases
Smooth and fast chassis software upgrade processes
Multi-user platform with port reservation resolution down to one port per user
Very precise and accurate traffic generation
Free software (ValkyrieManager, ValkyrieCLI, Valkyrie2544, Valkyrie2889, Valkyrie1564, Valkyrie3918)
Synchronize chassis with ValkyrieTimeSynch option
Free training & tech support for product lifetime
World’s fastest production line tester
Ultra-simple web-browser UI - 3 clicks to complete test cycle
Seamless parallel test case execution
Displays test status, progress, and real time logs
Easy to script using CLI and RESTapi from any software environment, for rapid integration with customers own UI applications
Telnet feature makes it easy to remotely check DUT status (e.g. LED, USB and REGEDIT), and modify DUT configuration
Interface with customer Manufacturing Execution System (MES) system via DLL/ SQL/HTTP, to store test results into its database
Vantage can test all Ethernet speeds from 100M up to 400G speeds (including both NRZ & PAM4)
It is based on Xena’s Valkyrie platform making it the industry’s most stable and accurate Ethernet production test solution
Free software & free tech support product lifetime
Responsive and easy to use management software
Highly scalable UDP/TCP layer 4 traffic generation
High performance TLS testing suite
Use your own application traffic or AppMix to create and scale realistic application traffic
1U and 2U rack mounting hardware with a wide range of port speeds offers low entry and yet a scalable solution
Ease of use
Free software (incl. VulcanManager and VulcanAppMix)
Free tech support product lifetime
Xena OpenAutomation (XOA) is an open-source test automation framework for use with Xena’s Valkyrie & Vulcan Traffic Generation & Analysis (TGA) solutions and Chimera, our network impairment emulator.
Fast, easy to use and extremely flexible, XOA features a Python API that runs on any OS.