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Advanced illumination has provided custom LED lighting solutions to the Machine Vision Industry for over 25 years. Our reputation for design and engineering know-how can help you find the most precise and cost-effective solution.
Customers can leverage our multi-tier approach to customization to reduce engineering costs.
When a catalog product cannot completely satisfy a requirement, AMETEK Programmable Power's Solutions Business provides custom power supply systems and integrations. The solutions range from OEM integration for medical and semiconductor industries to modular avionics ATE power subsystems to turnkey solar array simulators for satellites. We also can modify power supplies to meet your application requirements.
Sometimes applications are so specific that their requirements cannot be met by an off-the-shelf camera. At Allied Vision, we want you to find the best camera solution for your need. That is why we have developed three levels of customization for you.
Highly scalable with unprecedented data transfer rates, the Hardware Isolation Platform is a dual-segment solution that combines cutting-edge security and adaptive capabilities to ensure guaranteed spacial isolation of critical data and optimize diverse workloads.
Cross Domain Solution - Control comms and data transfer between domains of different classification levels with an FPGA hardware firewall.
Data Isolation - Remote areas of memory create a data buffer between CPUs or virtual machines, securely storing frequently accessed data.
Mixed Criticality - Integrate workloads with different criticalities on a single platform while prioritizing higher criticality tasks over lower ones.
Scalable, zero trust architected, and edge-ready, the Integrated Edge Solution 5G is a rugged, compact, end-to-end private 5G standalone radio, core, and edge compute and connectivity solution providing ultra-reliable, low-latency bidirectional communication.
Designed with Intel‘s IPU E2000 ASIC, the Network Infrastructure Optimization Solution is a secure, configurable network infrastructure acceleration, monitoring, and management platform serve critical applications and services across data centers or at the network edge