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High performance GPS disciplined Time/Frequency standard  Ethernet Interface for management and control  Network Time Protocol (NTP)  Multiple 1PPS outputs with individual delay compensation  Multiple Low Phase Noise 10MHz outputs with software programmable level  Time Code outputs including Have Quick, IRIG A, IRIG B, IRIG E, IRIG G  Sync to GPS or to Have Quick/1PPS per ICD-GPS-060  Choice of internal disciplined OCXO or Rubidium Oscillator
1U 19” rack mount  Dual Redundant hot swappable Power Supplies  Dual GPS Disciplined Modules
Universal GPS , IRIG A, B, E, G, NASA36, and HaveQuick inputs  12 channel GPS receiver  16 programmable outputs for time codes and pulse rates  Output codes include NTP, IRIG A, B, E, G, H, NASA36, HaveQuick, 1PPS  Electrical time code input/output  Dual Independent Ethernet ports with integrated web server control  High Stability Oven Controlled Oscillator Standard  9-Digit Time Display  Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies  1U 19” rack mount