
Oscilloscope Triggers
Oscilloscope Coffee Break Series - Part 3: Getting Your Trigger to Do What You Want
Join Teledyne LeCroy for this 30-minute Oscilloscope Coffee Break Series to remind us how to get the most test and debug capability from our oscilloscopes. Grab your refreshment and spend a few minutes with us as we focus on a specific topic each month.
It’s circuit debug time! Let’s use the oscilloscope’s triggering features to define where we start our investigation to find the troublesome circuit issue.
Topics to be included:
- Trigger Modes – why is my scope display blank?
- Trigger selections – lots of choices to define when we capture data
- Trigger coupling, filters and pre-triggering
- Update rates – maximizing the amount of data captured
Presenter: Stephen Murphy, Teledyne LeCroy Applications Engineer
Can't attend live? Register anyway, and we will send you the recording and slides afterward.