AVT - Manta G-223 NIR GigE camera with CMOSIS/ams CMV2000, NIR optimized, global shutter
Auto gain (manual gain control: 0 to 26 dB; 1 dB increments)
Auto exposure (18 µs to 126 s; 1 µs increments)
Black level (offset)
Gamma correction
Three look-up tables (LUTs)
Pixel defect masking
Piecewise Linear HDR mode
Region of interest (ROI), separate ROI for auto features
Reverse X/Y
Auto-iris (video type)
Event channel
Image chunk data
IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
Storable user sets
StreamBytesPerSecond (bandwidth control)
Stream hold
Sync out modes: Trigger ready, input, exposing, readout, imaging, strobe, GPO
Temperature monitoring (main board)
Trigger over Ethernet (ToE) Action Commands
Manta G-223B NIR is a machine vision camera that incorporates the NIR-optimized Type 2/3 (12.7 mm diagonal) CMOSIS/ams CMV2000 CMOS sensor with global shutter. At full resolution, this camera runs 53.7 frames per second. With a smaller region of interest, higher frame rates are possible.
Manta is one of Allied Vision's versatile GigE Vision cameras with a wide range of features. Particular highlights are the three look-up tables, a robust metal housing, and many modular options. By default, the Manta G-223B NIR ships with no optical filter.
- Power over Ethernet (PoE)
- Various optical filter and lens mount options
- Angled head, board level variants, white medical housing
See the Modular Concept for lens mount, housing variants, optical filters, case design, and other modular options.
See the Customization and OEM Solutions page for additional options.
General purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs)
Operating conditions/dimensions
Quantum efficiency
Technical papers, knowledge base
3D CAD files (STEP)
Please right-click the link of a 3D camera model and select save as to download the file. After downloading, unzip the STEP file. You need a 3D CAD viewer application to view and measure the STEP files. Download a STEP viewer free of charge: http://www.ida-step.net/
Manta Type A cameras: G-031, G-032, G-033, G-046, G-125, G-145, G-146, G-201, G-504
Manta Type B cameras with CMOS sensors: G-040, G-158, G-223, G-235, G-319, G-419, G-507, G-895, G-1236
Manta Type B cameras with CCD sensors: G-282, G-283, G-505, G-609, G-917
- Manta Type B Board level, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, G-040, G-158
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, G-040, G-158
- Manta Type B, CMOS Sensor, Board level, C-Mount, G-223, G-235, G-419
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, G-319, G-507, G-895, G-1236
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, Board level, C-Mount, G-319, G-507, G-895, G-1236
- Manta Type B, CCD sensor, C-Mount
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, W90
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, W90 S90
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, W270
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, W270 S90
- Manta Type B, CS-Mount
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, G-223
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, G-235
- Manta Type B, CMOS sensor, C-Mount, G-419
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, C-Mount, W90
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, C-Mount, W90 S90
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, C-Mount, W270
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, C-Mount, W270 S90
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, Board level, C-Mount
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, Board level, C-Mount, PoE
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, C-Mount
- Manta Type A, CCD sensor, CS-Mount
Software and Firmware
Vimba is our current future-proof SDK.
Other SDKs and tools are available on our Software downloads webpage.
GigE camera firmware is available on our Firmware webpage.